Time Line 1970-1974

What a gloomy time! Grants for village amenities were withdrawn, and the precept had to pay for the repair to the church clock as well as any new street name signs. The village bus service was also withdrawn, causing great concern until privatisation came to the rescue. On the bright side Winsham was promised a new sewerage plant, but even that went wrong!

1970-Inflation rages throughout the decade, gravely weakening the UK economy

1970-Edward Heath becomes Conservative Prime Minister

1971-Decimalisation of British currency

1972-British army kill14 in Londonderry on 'Black Sunday'

1972-President Nixon implicated in the Watergate affair

1973-UK joins European Economic Community

1974-Arab oil states, through OPEC use oil supply to the West as a weapon to weaken support for Israel. Oil prices quadrupled, leading to a collapse in world stock market prices.

1974-Miner's strike results in fall of Heath government

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