

Summaries of Parish Council business

(RPI Index-11-see Introduction)



Spring 1970

On 5 February the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. A letter of resignation from Revd Fairweather from the Board of School Managers was read out. It was reported that Revd Bateson was willing to replace him. This offer was accepted. A Precept of £160 was fixed for the financial year 1970/71. The Council decided to re- classify the road leading from Chalkway Mill to Hollowells as a Public Footpath rather than as Road No 30/22. This would allow it to continue to be part of an enjoyable walk for villagers. The members voted to seek an extra £100 to pay for the purchase and erection of street names signs. It was reported that the building of the new telephone exchange would start shortly in Appleby’s Orchard, the legal paperwork having been almost finished. The Clerk told the meeting that Mr Saunders would meet the cost of repairing the pillar at the entrance to the children’s playground. It was his cattle that had caused the damage. Mr Phillips said that he had handed over the Alliance Property Holdings Dividend of £10:15:3d to the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. It was reported that 9 May had been chosen as Election Day for the new Council. The Annual General Meeting was fixed for 16 March. Various cheques were signed.

Summer 1970

On 1 June the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. The results of the Triennial Elections were announced and were as follows:

Bernard Lionel Bateson 110 votes Elected
Arthur Boyce 128 votes Elected
Kenneth Ian Cameron 69 votes
Beatrice May Harding 94 votes Elected
Charles William Hawker 94 votes Elected
Muriel Hazel Hunt 55 votes
Joe Hodder Phillips 111 votes Elected
Janet Dunn Ralston 97 votes Elected
Alfred Richard White 92 votes Elected
Frederick William Dennis Withers 107 votes Elected
Marjorie Annie Wren 79 votes Elected
Phillip Arthur Wren 70 votes

Mr White was elected as Chairman with Miss Harding Vice Chairman. Mr Phillips agreed to continue as Clerk but only until the end of the 1970/71 Financial Year. Revd Bateson and Miss Wren were chosen to represent the Council on the School Management Board. Miss Ralston was appointed to the Jubilee Hall Management Committee as the Parish Council Representative. Mr Hawker agreed to serve on the Recreation Ground Committee. 
Revd Bateson gave a report on the possible re-opening of the Churchyard and read a letter from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government stating that “ there is no way of revoking a closing order, but in certain circumstances an order may be varied by a Variation Order under Section 1 of the Burial Act 1855”. A long discussion followed at the end of which the Clerk was asked to contact Mrs Bollom about buying some land for an extension to the present Burial Ground. 
The Chairman told the meeting that as the Post Office was introducing a postcode system in the near future it would be necessary to re-number some houses in the village. The Council decided to seek guidance on this from Chard R.D.C. Cheques were signed for the following:

(1) Ray Ashman Recreation Ground Mowing £3:5:0d
(2) Somerset Association of Parish Councils Subscription £3:2:6d
(3) Post Office Audit Stamp £3
(4) Prudential Assurance Public Liability £4:10:0d

Autumn 1970

On 16 September the Council met at Mr Whites, Church Street at 7:30pm. Mr White was Chairman. It was reported that the new parking spaces in Western Way had been completed and were being used. 
The Clerk reported that the accounts had been audited and that the balance in the Burial Account was £45:2:1d and in the General Account £346:19:0d. He was supported when he suggested that he contacted the Clerk of Chard R.D.C. about an extension to the Burial Ground. 
A letter was read from Chard R.D.C. saying that the cost of street signs would have to be borne by the Parish ratepayers and that the Ministry of Housing and Local Government had already issued the necessary order. 
A letter from the School Managers was read about the treatment of Mr Rowe on the completion of his term of office as Parish Council Representative on the Board of Managers. There had been a complete misunderstanding, as Mr Rowe did not realise that his term of office had expired and as he was leaving the district another person had taken his place. The Council expressed their great appreciation of the good work he had done. The Chairman and Clerk had seen Mr Rowe and his family and the whole matter had been explained satisfactorily. Various cheques were signed.


Spring 1971

On 4 January the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. After a long discussion the Council decided to hand over the share certificates, (originally Royal Agricultural Hall Shares), to the Official Custodian for Charities. A letter was read from Chard R.D.C. offering a grant of £200 towards the cost of a pavilion on the new Recreation Ground. It was reported that the Recreation Ground Committee had applied to The Department of the Environment for a major grant for a pavilion and that this had been supported by the Regional Priorities Committee. Miss Wren questioned why the £200 had been given towards the Recreation Ground Pavilion rather than to the Jubilee Hall. The Clerk said that he had been involved in getting the grant and had worked on behalf of the Recreation Ground Project as it had been deemed the top priority at the Annual Parish Meeting. Miss Ralston asked whether the grant could be shared but the Clerk said that the allocation had been finalised. Miss Harding asked that in any future allocation from the R.D.C. Village Amenity Fund that the Jubilee Hall be kept in the forefront of “ necessary amenities”. 
The Council agreed that the bill of £44:11:0d for the repair of the Church clock should be met by the ratepayers. The members also agreed to buy the new Parish Council Notice Board supplied by the Jubilee Hall Management Committee for £5:10:0d. 
The subject of the Burial Ground was raised again and the Council decided to ask the Clerk to write to Mr Hartley, Clerk to Chard R.D.C., informing him “ that the Parish Council are firm in their desire to purchase ¼ acre of land to the West of the existing Cemetery and to refer back to the Parish Council before any question of compulsory purchase being initiated with the owner”. 
A Precept for £160 was agreed for the Financial Year 1971/2. 
The Chairman complimented Miss Ralston and her band of volunteers on the re-decoration of the Main Hall in the Jubilee Hall. A Planning Sub Committee was considered to be necessary following a suggestion from the Chairman. Miss Wren and Mr Withers were chosen to serve on it. Two cheques were signed. 

On 1 March the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. Miss Ralston reported that she had had a meeting with Mr White, Treasure of Chard R.D.C., and had been told that an application for a grant for the Jubilee Hall from the R.D.C. Parish Amenities Fund would be considered favourably. The Council agreed to submit an application. 
An application from The Winsham Flower Festival for a grant from the Council was refused, it being felt that Public Funds should not be used for such events. A letter from Chard R.D.C. offering a plot of land in Poole’s Lane for sale was discussed. The Clerk said that he thought Mr Hudd wanted it for a garden and it was thought that Mr Hudd should deal directly with Chard R.D.C. The Parish Council agreed to support his application. 
The Clerk reported that the cost of the contested election of Parish and R.D.C. Councillors in 1970 was £35:4:9d. He said that this cost would be borne by the Parish. Various cheques were signed.

Summer 1971

On 17 June the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Appointments agreed for the next year were:

(1) Chairman of the Parish Council - Mr White
(2) Vice Chairman of the Parish Council -Miss Harding
(3) Somerset Parish Councils Association Representatives- Mr White and Mr Phillips
(4) Jubilee Hall Management Committee Representative - Miss Ralston
(5) Playing Field Committee Representative -Mr Hawker

The Chairman reported that all grants for village amenities had been frozen due to a lack of funds. There was a long discussion about “ obstacles being placed on the highway outside the George Inn”. It was reported that Chard R.D.C. had written to the owner, Mr Rosser, but that nothing had been done. The Parish Council decided to take up the matter with Mr Rosser. 

It was reported that Mr Jones, Headmaster of the Primary School, had written to ask if “ a small continuation of the pavement around the corner at Mrs Manning’s house into Fore Street could be made as this would considerably help the small children around this corner”. The Council agreed to apply to the Highways Authorities for something to be done. Various cheques were signed.

Autumn 1971

There was a Parish Meeting at 8pm on 29 September attended by about eighty villagers. It was held in the Jubilee Hall and was chaired by Mr White. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the withdrawal of the bus service to Winsham by the Western National Bus Company. It was a long meeting finally ending at 9:55pm. The Chairman opened matters by outlining the reasoning behind the company’s decision. Many villagers spoke. One important fact revealed was that at least thirty villagers had no means of transport. Mr Baumgartner suggested that private companies should be allowed to take over routes being withdrawn by the National Company and to extend these routes in to areas covered by the National Company. It was decided to form a delegation to lobby the Bus Company Area Manager in Exeter. Members of the delegation chosen were Miss Harding, Mr Buckler, Mr Baumgartner, Mrs Noreen White, Mrs J White and Mr A R White. At the end of the meeting Mr White was thanked for his “ splendid Chairmanship”. 

On 20 October the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. He opened the meeting by giving an update on the bus service. A census had revealed that of 189 houses visited 106 used the bus regularly. He said that he had discussed the situation with Chard R.D.C. It was reported that loan applications from Chard R.D.C. for the next three years stood at £76,000 of which only £40,000 was available. It was agreed that £1500 should be earmarked for the purchase of land for an extension to the Burial Ground. The Clerk was asked to contact Cricket Malherbie Dairies to establish why the Winsham Milkman refuses to deliver to Ammerham Farm House! 
Various cheques were signed. 

On 10 November there was a meeting of the Parish Council and the General Public in the Jubilee Hall at 7:45pm. Mr White was Chairman. About forty villagers attended. Mr White gave a resume as to what had happened since the meeting on 29 September (withdrawal of bus service). He said a large meeting had been held at Snowden House in Chard on 29 October attended by all the interested parties including the members of the “ Winsham Delegation”. The minutes of that meeting were read and then Mr Baumgartner was given the opportunity to air his views. Villagers were invited to comment on the proposed new timetable which Miss Harding had had displayed on a blackboard. It was for a service on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Some changes were agreed.


Spring 1972

On 14 February the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. It was reported that the private bus service was being well used and greatly appreciated. A request from Mr Evans, Caretaker of the Cemetery, to be paid in cash was refused. 
The Clerk reported that the Alliance Property Shares held by the Council on behalf of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee have been taken over by Cornwall Holdings and the share certificates have been received by Mr Phillips. 
When the Income Tax Recovery has been completed on all dividends, these certificates will be passed to the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. The following people were appointed Trustees of the Sir Matthew Holsworthy Charity and the Charity of John Wheadon:

Revd B L Bateson
Miss J D Ralston
Mr F W D Withers

Mr White, a member of the R.D.C. Planning Committee, reported that an application to build a bungalow East of Whatley Farm had been refused but Mr K D J Slade was authorised to build a bungalow and garage in Back Street. The Clerk reported that the village of Merriot had recently installed street signs successfully. It was agreed to ask Chard R.D.C. to proceed with a similar scheme for Winsham. It was decided to hold the Annual Meeting on 27 March.

Summer 1972

On 7 June the Annual Parish Council Meeting was held in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was re-elected as Chairman with Miss Harding as Vice Chairman. Messrs White and Phillips were chosen to serve as Winsham Parish Councils representatives on The Somerset Association of Parish Councils. Miss Ralston agreed to serve on the Jubilee Hall Management Committee and Mr Hawker on the Playing Fields Committee. On the advice of Chard R.D.C. the Precept was set at £140 rather than the £160, which had been planned. Mr White reported on the progress of a number of planning applications. A letter was read from Mr Grabham saying that he was unable to carry on cutting the grass in the Cemetery, Churchyard and Recreation Ground. This came about as a result of Mr Evans resignation. He said he could manage the Churchyard and Recreation Ground but not the Cemetery as well. The Council decided to advertise for an assistant if no one came forward from the village at 40p per hour. A letter was read from the Parochial Church Council asking for assistance in paying for the repairs and restoration of the Church clock. The estimate for the necessary work was £142. After a lengthy discussion the Council agreed to meet the full cost. It was reported that the Toc H seat in the Children’s Recreation Ground was being repaired by Mr Slade. It had begun to rot and was quite dangerous. Miss Wren complained about the number of caravans behind the Bell Inn and of the untidiness of the area. She recommended that Chard R.D.C. should inspect the site and check that the terms of the licence are being adhered to. This was agreed.

Autumn 1972

On 20 September the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. He reported that he had contacted a Mr Beales from Combe St Nicholas who was willing to cut the Cemetery grass and to keep the area tidy. It was reported that the Council was entitled to pay for the renovation of the Church clock but not for the cost of cleaning its workings! The Councils bill was therefore revised to £94. 
It was learned that the licence for holiday caravans behind the Bell Inn was due for renewal in January. The Chairman said he would look in to the matter then. The Clerk reported that the audit had been completed and that the Burial Account was £56:2:8d in debt. 
A letter of resignation from Miss Ralston was accepted with great regret. She had explained that she was returning to Scotland for family reasons and was sorry to be leaving Winsham. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of appreciation to her mentioning in particular her outstanding contribution to the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. The Council agreed to co-opt Mr Wren to replace Miss Ralston and to ask Mrs Wren to serve on the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. 
The members later decided to ask the Women’s Section of the British Legion to take on the cleaning of the War Memorial as the Men’s Section had now been disbanded. The Clerk was asked to contact a stonemason to have the names made more distinct. 
The Chairman agreed to investigate a request for some garages in Davies Close. It was proposed by Colonel Boyce and seconded by Mr Withers that the Clerk be paid an Honorarium of £20 for the Financial Year 1971/2. This was agreed. Various cheques were signed. 

On 15 November the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. It was reported that the work done in the Cemetery by Mr Beale and Mr Grabham was satisfactory and that the Ministry had accepted the plans for a new sewage works. Once the contract has been signed for the sewage works more houses will be able to be built in the village. 
It was reported that Mr Alan Rudkin had cleaned the War Memorial and that the names are now visible. The Council decided to defer work on the Church clock until the spring. The Chairman reported that Chard R.D.C. was not in favour of garages being built in Davies Close. Miss Wren complained of the delay in the provision of street names. The Clerk was asked to contact Chard R.D.C. 
Miss Harding agreed to become a Trustee of The Holsworthy and Wheaton Charities in place of Miss Ralston. 
An offer of some hard wood trees from Chard R.D.C. was discussed. It was thought that they could be planted at the Western edge of the Recreation Ground. Mr Muggeridge was to be asked to survey the site. 
Miss Wren asked about the sale or demolition of the five thatched cottages in Western Way. She was told that the purchaser could either demolish them or restore them to a standard acceptable to Chard R.D.C. 
It was decided that the shares certificates held by Mr Phillips should be handed over to the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. The following cheques were signed:

(1) Dick Beale Work in the Cemetery £47:50
(2) G Grabham Work on Cemetery, Recreation Ground and Churchyard £52:84
(3) Ray Ashman Mower Repairs £5:40
(4) Inland Revenue Transfer of shares to Jubilee Hall Committee £1
(5) Norwich Union Public Liability £2:50
(6) Royal Insurance Jubilee Hall Fire Cover £8:35


Spring 1973

On 31 January the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. The Clerk reported that the Current Account Balance at the Westminster Bank was £227:25 and the Deposit Account Balance £83:18. He said that H M Auditors do not like large balances but in view of the impending expenditure on the Cemetery, Churchyard and Recreation Ground it was acceptable. Miss Harding was supported when proposing a Precept for £140. 
A plan of the new street signing was passed around and approved. 
Mr White briefed the members on the Local Government Reorganisation following several meetings which he had attended. The Clerk reported that he had spoken to the landlord of the George Inn about the flowerpots at the front. He had been told that the landlord was prepared to go to court if necessary as “ he had proof to his boundary in the Deeds of his Property”. 
Miss Wren was informed that Chard R.D.C. would deal with the renewal of the licence for the caravans at the Bell Inn and that work on the new sewers for the village would be started in July. Miss Harding asked if a path from Davies Close to the War Memorial could be made inside the rail of the Recreation Ground as the side of the road was in bad condition. The date of the Parish Annual General Meeting was fixed for 29 March.

Summer 1973

On 6 June the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Mr White was Chairman. Members of the public present were Messrs L Strawbridge, G Sear and G Brown. Mr Brown asked for clarification about the future of the Bakers Field Allotments. The Chairman said that Chard R.D.C. had proposed to apply for planning permission for two dwellings on the site. Their idea was that the site would then be offered for sale to the Parish Council. However, the District Valuer had valued it at a price which the Parish Council could not afford. Chard R.D.C. had then decided that the area should remain as allotments and new tenancy agreements will be offered to present holders with effect from 1 April. The Chairman then said that the new street signs should be in place by 31 March 1974. 
It was reported that the new application for ten holiday caravans behind the Bell Inn had been turned down. The licensee had been invited to apply for permission for six but to date no paperwork had been submitted. 
The Clerk said that the bill for restoring the dial of the Church clock was £103:40. Messrs John Smith & Son of Derby did the work. It was agreed that the Parochial Church Council should pay the VAT of £9:40. 
The Meeting ended with Mr White thanking Colonel Boyce, Mr Wren and Mr Phillips for their services to the Council as they have chosen not to seek re-election. Colonel Boyce thanked Mr White for his services over the past years, he also having decided not to seek re-election. Various cheques were signed. 

On 19 June the Council met in the Jubilee Hall following the elections held on 7 June, the results of which were:

Raymond John Ashman 126 votes
Samuel George Gordon Barnham 168 votes
Bernard Lionel Batson 206 votes
Kenneth Ian Cameron 150 votes
Beatrice May Harding 204 votes
Charles William Hawker 162 votes
Nicholas Michael Hebditch 228 votes
Frederick William Dennis Withers 193 votes
Marjorie Annie Wren 166 votes
Theodore John Baumgartner 105 votes (not elected)
Muriel Ivy Churchill 96 votes (not elected)

Miss Harding was elected as Chairman with Revd Bateson Vice Chairman. There followed a unanimous vote of thanks to the outgoing Council. Various Council Representatives were chosen as follows:

County Association of Parish Councils -Messrs Barnham and Hebditch
Jubilee Hall Management Committee - Miss Wren
Recreation Ground - Mr Hawker
Charity Committee- Revd Bateson, Mr Withers and Miss Harding
Mr Phillips agreed to continue as Clerk until 1 April 1974.

It was reported that the lowest estimate for the new sewage works had been accepted, subject to scrutiny. It was for £140,595:19. At the end of the meeting, Mr K Weatherall, the elected member for the Rural District Council to represent Winsham, Cricket St Thomas, Misterton, Clapton, Hewish etc., was introduced to the members of the Council and was welcomed by the Chairman. Mr Weatherall explained his role and made clear his intention to attend all the meetings when the new Chard R.D.C. came into operation on 1 April 1974. He said he would do his utmost to help any project put forward by the Parish and would report in due course. 
Two cheques were signed. 

On 2 August the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. A letter from Mr Phelps complaining about the state of the Cemetery was read. It was agreed to have a meeting with Mr Beale to resolve the problem. It was reported that Tenancy Agreements were being prepared for the Band Hut and for the Allotments by Chard R.D.C. It was agreed that a map showing all the local footpaths should be made available to the public. It was suggested that the Jubilee Hall Committee took over the papers to apply for a refund of income tax paid on the income from the shares of the Alliance Property and Cornwall Holdings. The Clerk informed the Council that he would make the claim!

Autumn 1973

On 1 October the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. It was reported that Tenancy Agreements had been completed for the Allotments with the following:

Mr M A Symonds No1 of 5 Bakersfield
Mr R J Webber No2 of 19 Western Way
Mr G Brown No3 of 15 Western Way
Mr L Strawbridge No4 of 32 Western Way
Mr A G Sear No5 of 24 Western Way

Agreements were also concluded with the Band Hut and land part O.S. 320 near Bakersfield. 
The Clerk reported that an income tax refund of £82 was expected on the Jubilee Hall shares but that the Inland Revenue required a statement of accounts from the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. A discussion followed over ownership of the Hall. It was now run by a Management Committee under the rules and regulations of the Trustees Charities. Miss Harding agreed to supply the necessary details to the Inland Revenue. The Clerk said that the accounts had been audited on 12 September and that the General Account was £415:42 in credit and the Burial Account £120:98 in debt.
 It was therefore agreed to set a Precept for £250 in order to clear the Burial Account debt. The meeting was told that work on the new sewage system would probably start in November. 
Miss Harding reported on the changes that were likely to happen to the 9 to 11 year old children with them going to Chard. 
Cheques were signed for the following:

Mr Beale Cemetery Upkeep £73:37
Ray Ashman Mower Repairs £23:17
Audit Stamps £5

On 3 December the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. It was reported that work on the new sewage system had been delayed and was now due to start in the month of December. The Council were made aware of delays in planning applications. This was being caused by the reorganisation of local government. One of the schemes affected was for the enlargement of the caravan site behind the Bell Inn. 
It was agreed to increase the insurance cover on the Jubilee Hall from £9000 to £22000. 
The Clerk agreed to update the Grave Plan kept in the Church porch. Mr Barnham was told that the installation of the footpath map in the Jubilee Hall would be left to the Management Committee. He later told the Council that he thought, “ that footpath rights should be protected when developments are considered”.


Spring 1974

On 4 March the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. When considering the minutes of the last meeting, Mr Barnham asked that his views on the protection of footpaths should be recorded i.e. “ that footpath rights should be protected when developments are considered”. This was passed unanimously. 
It was reported that the Bell Inn Caravan Site Planning Application had been deferred but that an extension to the car park had been sanctioned. It was understood that the Footpath Map would be placed outside the Jubilee Hall.
 A Precept for £250 was agreed for the Financial Year 1974/5. Revd Bateson and Miss Wren were re-elected as Managers of Winsham County Primary School. However, if it were established that Revd Bateson is a member ex officio, then Mr Kenneth Parsons of Ammerham Villas would be asked to serve. 
It was reported that the sewage scheme would be delayed even more as the contractor had gone in to liquidation. The scheme was now being taken over by the Devon River Authority. The Council decided that it would be wise to write to them pointing out the long delay and the urgency of the matter. 
Mr Barnham told the members that Somerset County Council has a statutory obligation to signpost all footpaths which join a metalled road. They have not been doing so in this area. The Clerk was asked to write to them asking them to do so. 
Mr Phillips expressed his wish to offer his resignation as he felt that he could no longer carry out his duties as he would wish. His resignation was accepted with very great regret and the Parish Council wishes to record its appreciation for all the valuable service Mr Phillips has given over so long a time. 
The date of the Annual Parish Meeting was fixed for 8 April. 

On 21 May the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. It was reported that an Income Tax refund of £75:17 had been received and had been passed to the Jubilee Hall Management Committee. (This related to the dividends on the shares held in The Alliance Property and Cornwall Holdings). 
It was also reported that Revd Bateson is not ex officio of the school. 
The Council learned that the County Council admitted liability for footpath signing but had told the Parish Council that little money was available. Miss Harding was re-elected as Chairman for the next year with Revd Bateson Vice Chairman. Mr Stockford was appointed as the new Clerk to the Council in place of Mr Phillips. 
Mr Evans of Lynch House Purtington was nominated as suitable to be Governor of Holyrood Comprehensive School Chard. There was a long discussion about meeting the cost of street lighting, footpaths and planning applications. 
Messrs Barnham and Hebditch were asked to continue to represent the Council at the meetings of the Somerset Association of Parish Councils. Various cheques were signed. (The last two paragraphs of the original minutes appear to be tear stained, these being the last entries made by Mr Phillips).

Summer 1974

On 15 July the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. The Council discussed two planning applications, one for Stadway and one for Court Lane. In both cases the Council had not been sent the necessary details by Yeovil District Council. The Clerk was asked to obtain them. Mr Phillips reported that the accounts had been audited. It was suggested that there should be review of the Councils income and expenditure and a sub committee was formed to carry out this task. Members were Major Cameron, Mr Withers and Mr Barnham. It was reported that Yeovil District Council had asked for suggestions for road improvements. The Council decided to send in a number of ideas. Mr Barnham asked for the Council to send a letter to Yeovil District Council requesting that Winsham be entered on the list for footpath signposts. This was agreed.

Autumn 1974

On 30 September the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed with the addition of the words “Mr Phillips was present in an advisory capacity”. 
There was a discussion about the lack of detail in planning applications and it was agreed to ask Mr Wetherall, our representative on Yeovil District Council, to attend the next Parish Council meeting. The Financial Sub- Committee gave its findings. 
The major problem to be dealt with was the cost of grass cutting and the ongoing cost of the maintenance of the mower. It was agreed to ask Mr Beale for an estimate for the mowing of the Burial Ground and Churchyard. An earlier suggestion that volunteers should cut the grass in the Churchyard was not supported. The Council decided to form a sub committee to review burial charges with the aim of bringing them in to line with other areas. Members chosen for it were Major Cameron and Mr Hawker. The Acting Clerk was asked to write to the District Council asking them to cut the grass in the small Recreation Field. 
A letter was read from The Ramblers Association offering to monitor the footpaths in the Parish. The letter referred to a report the Ramblers had made and the Clerk was asked to write to them for a copy. A letter from Yeovil District Council was read saying that a public meeting had to be held to consider the classification of the one “ Road Used as a Public Path” (RUPP) in the Parish. This was fixed for 28 October. 
No bills were paid at the meeting as Mr Phillips was still in possession of the cheque book, account book, definitive map and other papers. Mr Barnham was asked to collect them from Mr Phillips. As Mr Stockland had resigned as Parish Clerk the Council discussed the problem of finding a replacement. Two names were suggested and it was agreed to approach both in the hope of filling the post. 

On 28 October the Council met in the Jubilee Hall. Miss Harding was Chairman. The Chairman explained that the purpose of the meeting was to meet the 31October deadline imposed by Yeovil District Council on the classification of RUPP 30/22. Before discussing that, the Council considered several planning applications. The members then decided to form a sub committee to meet a representative from Yeovil District Council to see what assistance they could provide in grounds maintenance. The Council then discussed the resolution passed at the Public Meeting held earlier in the evening. The resolution was to the effect that the path appearing on the definitive map as FP. CH 30/22 be re-classified as “ a byway open to all traffic”. The Council endorsed this decision. 
The vacancy for the Clerk to the Council was again discussed and it was agreed to appoint Mr Roy Smart of Hazelwood Farm. 
The following cheques were signed:

Mr LJ Webber £2:50
Mr WG Grabham £25:28
Mr Dick Beale £122:15

At the beginning of 1975 the relentless thrust of new technology was to have its impact on Winsham Parish Council. The hand-written Minute book would cease to be used to record its deliberations, to be replaced by the typewriter. Copies of the minutes would now be circulated to each member prior to each meeting.

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