Pools Lane Glebe Cottage

In 1938, Pooles Lane Cottages were two cottages lived in by Jack Flory and Les & Esme Singleton. Pooles Lane  was  unsurfaced. In 2012 it is one house, known as Glebe Cottage, the  home of Richard and Anne Rose, who used to farm in the parish.
Manor Farm Manor Farm

Manor Farm was owned by the Bishops, who were staunch supporters of the Congregational Chapel further up Fore Street.
Back St Cottages

Joyce Butler (Hayball) lived in the one nearest. The father, Jack, worked for the then Chard District Council on roadwork. He was always in the  foreground of the road tarring and gritting gang. Back Street was not tarred or gritted. It was rolled flint stone! Flint stone crackers used to work up near the flint stone quarry ,half a mile up from Winsham to Crewkerne Road. They used to crack the stone into useful small pieces which was steam rolled to make a surface. (Dennis Summers)

Garden House

One of the two nearest  cottages in the picture was the home of Joyce Hayball when she was a young girl . These were demolished in the 1969, when Garden House was built. The two cottages further up remain .
Recessed in the wall, in the foreground, the  location of the water stand pipe can be seen.
Ammerham farm
Later this land was taken over by Roy Wheaton. At that time, Roy Wheaton owned Closewood Farm  and Court Farm in Winsham. He ran a timber and logging business, but eventually farmed from Court Farm ,where his mother lived. He was responsible for laying the estate road that now runs past the sewerage plant in Winsham towards Ammerham.
 In 2012, the house is owned by Keith Hall, who has lived there some twenty years. Prior to this, the Loveridge family farmed from the house.
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Ammerham Farm

Ammerham Farm  in 1938 was farmed by Mr Monk. It was a general farm of about 40 acres. After the war it was sold to the Wheaton family.  Pat Wheaton used the land for his plant rental business. He also owned the fields between Ammerham and Winsham, taking out the the hedges to facilitate the flying of his light aircraft . 

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