'It was just another Day'
Performed by the Winsham Players
Written and Produced by Ann Cook
Performed at the Jubilee Hall
Friday and Saturday evening, 12th and 13th January, 2018
Was it a play, or was it a Panto? Only the audience can decide! Certainly many of the much loved Panto favourite characters were there, albeit a little more mature in their years than we remembered them; but then, so were most of the audience! A tale of what happened when a thoroughly boring couple were looking forward to a thoroughly boring Christmas Day. That was until the doorbell rang! Foolishly they answered it, and they were engulfed by a tide of Panto characters from years gone by. After that it wasn't too clear why they had turned up, or how they were eventually got rid of, but in the mean time there were lots of laughs and a community sing song as well.
The story also had a moral-
never open your door to a stranger without fixing the door chain first-especially over Christmas!

All the pictures were taken by Annie Dent during an actual performance-a clever lady!
Main Pic
Aladin &Sleeping Beauty
Aladdin & Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Jack in the Beanstalk

Sleeping Beauty & Cinderella
Tinkerbelle, Puss in Boots and Peter Pan

Puss in Boots

The Prince
The Cast
The Prince  Diana Kershaw 
Puss in Boots  Sue Lloyd 
Snow White  Penny West 
Tinkerbelle  Elaine Willis 
Peter Pan  Daniel Knight 
Mrs  Anne Rose 
Sleeping Beauty  Janice Saunders 
Jack in the Beanstalk  Peter Saunders 
Aladdin  Trevor Harris 
10  Mr  Brian Turner 
11  Goldilocks  Bethany Fowler 
12  Alice  Chloe Besley 
13  Cinderella  Barbara White 
14  Robinson Crusoe  Robert Shearer 
15  Children  Katerina,Kieran,
Layla, Reuben,
Theo, Toby 

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