
Sixtie's Club

Winsham 60's Club. 1967 - 2000.

A group of O. A. Ps decided they would like to form a Club, July 19 1967. 22 folk attend a meeting, Col. Boyce presided hence 60's formed, officers appointed for committee. Fees to be 10p ann., paid at AGM. Tea and biscuits 3p, a trade stall members could bring and buy. Also a draw, they would meet every 2 weeks, 2.30 - 4.30 in village hall, for free outings members to attend 10 times. Not long before there was over 40 members. They were lucky to have a good variety of speakers, demonstrations, slides, school children, whist, beetle drive, bingo. There was a lot of talent in the club, Mr Davies, Mrs D March played the piano, Mrs M Butler played the Mandaline, her sister Mrs Bone the violin, it was decided to form a choir called "Old Timers", ladies wore red pinafore skirts, white blouses, men black trousers, white shirts, red dickey bows. They were soon entertaining others.

They brought their own china and cutlery, which was used for their "Xmas Parties" free, when all had a gift, later Mrs J Spurdle and helpers cooked and served the meal, in fact only as numbers got less that she finished. Mr and Mrs P. Trott were the main stay and only just finished owing to health, Mrs Trott, still like her name, trots to the shop. They are in their 90s.

Now we are in the year 2000 we have Mrs H Partridge, Mrs K Griffen original members still with us. Afraid our membership down to 12, lost some to ill health and death, you would think the village consists of all youngsters or do 60s and over think they're not old enough.

We are lucky to have Mrs J Hayball, our Chairman, who can always have slides, quizzes. Without her we'd be finished. Mrs M Fowler, Sec. keeps us in the news. We have followed our parents. We now meet in United Reformed Church rooms as the hall too expensive, fees £2.00, trade stall, draw, outings no more, "Xmas Partys" we go out. We do get a council grant, £30.00, and have odd donations. We've had speakers who live in the Village also Mayor of Chard, Mrs J Smith, who was born in village, but there are few around who once did entertain. Still we entertain ourselves, catch up on gossip, enjoy cup of tea, still better to have few friendly folk than too many critics; so who knows how long we will survive, 'pending how long we live, we look back on "Happy Memories", surprising what we've learnt. 

Sec. Marjorie Fowler.

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This page revised 01 May 2009