Winsham Web Museum


Bell Ringers

Winsham Bell Ringers
The Winsham Ringers are a small group of people, young and old, who are interested in the church and maintaining the tradition of Bell Ringing for Sunday Worship. The oldest bell in the tower dates from the 14th century and it is assumed there have been ringers from that date.
St. Stephens Church has 8 bells and currently 8 regular ringers. Ringing usually only takes place with a minimum of six bells. The bells are rung on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, but sometimes this is not possible because six ringers are not available. It is often difficult to find ringers for weddings in the summer when people are on holiday, at times like this ringers from other churches in the area are asked to help out. Practice takes place on Monday evenings but unfortunately there seems to be very few people interested in learning to ring.
The first ringing at St Stephens in the year 2000 was when Keith Fowler, Tower Captain rang the tenor 12 times at midnight on New Years Eve.
A few years ago it was normal practice for bell ringers to "ring out the old and ring in the New Year" unfortunately due to a shortage of ringers this has not been done for several years. There was a nationwide project for the new Millennium to be "rung in" at as many churches as possible, and this encouraged many new ringers around the country. Winsham ringers were very pleased to be part of this project and all the bells were rung at 12.00noon on the 1st January 2000 at a special Millennium service


L to R:Jill Stone, Sandy Wells, John Loaring, Alan Spurdle, Shane Sweetland,          Jethro Evans, George Evans, Keith Fowler

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This page revised 26 March 2006