Nature's Great Sightings
- September 1955 - Pied Wagtails  

There had always
been a couple of pairs of Pied Wagtails nesting around the farm buildings. One pair regularly reared a baby cuckoo. But when I went out to visit a small field of marrow stem kale that afternoon it looked like a swarm of bees was all over the field. 
When I got near I could see that every inch of wire fencing and the nearby telephone line was packed with birds and a ‘swarm’ of birds was flying in and out of the top leaves of a fine crop of the marrow stem kale. Closer inspection revealed that they were after a great infestation of Green Aphids. I stood in wonder as to where the thousands of Pied Wagtails had come from ...and how they got to know that this tiny patch was infested with aphids? The next day the birds had all gone.

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