Time Line 1955-1959

The job of village grave-digger disappeared, and the Jubilee Hall roof developed a serious leak. The Parish Council were also worried about who would help if a hydrogen bomb was dropped. They thought they had problems...... 

1955-Commercial TV  broadcasts start

1955 Conservatives win general election and Anthony Eden becomes Prime Minister

1956 The Clean Air Act introduces Smoke Control Areas

1956 John Osborne's "Look back in anger" is staged

1956 Britain & France invades Egypt after nationalisation of the Suez Canal

1957 Treaty of Rome signed, creating the European Economic Community

1957 Harold McMillan becomes prime minister after Anthony Eden's resignation following Suez War debacle

1957 Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb

1957 USSR launches first artificial satellite-SPUTNIK

1958 Preston by-pass opens and marks the start of the UK Motorway system

1959 M1 opens

1959 Start of Viet Nam War

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