Time Line 1940-1945

Issues such as stopping enemy aircraft landing in fields, the Home Guard, the Land Army and accommodating and adjusting to the evacuated children from the big cities, German prisoners of war and American troops meant a busy time, but things were also busy elsewhere......

1940 Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of coalition government

1940 Germany invades the Low Countries and France

1940 Thousands of allied troops are evacuated from Dunkirk

1940 Surprise invasion of Norway and Denmark by Germany

1941HMS Hood sunk by the German Battleship 'Bismarck'

1941 Anglo-American alliance-the Atlantic Charter

1941Pearl Harbor-Japan draws USA into war

1942 Fall of Singapore to the Japanese

1942 First American troops arrive in UK

1942 Start of 1000 bomber raids on Germany

1942 British victory at El Alamein-the turning point of the war in N. Africa

1944 Allied Forces land in Normandy

1944 New Education Act (Butler Act) provides for free secondary education

1945 End of war in Europe


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