Time Line1900-1904

Winsham Parish struggled with water and drainage problems while in the rest of the world  other things were happening:-

United Kingdom:-

1901 - Death of Queen Victoria. Edward VII
            becomes King

1901-'Taff Vale' judgment leads to birth of Labour Party

1902-End of 2nd Boer War

1904 -Work begins on Rotherhithe  Tunnel

1904-'Entente Cordiale' signed between Gt. Britain & France

Events in the wider world:-

1904-Theodore Roosevelt elected President of the USA

1903-Pius X becomes Pope

The Arts:

1901- Death of Toulouse-Lautrec

1901 -Thomas Hardy publishes 'Poems of the Past & present

1901-Death of Giuseppi Verdi

1902- Elgar & Benson write 'Land of Hope & Glory

1903- Death of Paul Gauguin

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