The Street Party held in2012 to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee
of Queen Elizabeth II accession to the throne

The Winsham Web Museum was launched in 2002 as part of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee celebrations, after nearly two years in preparation. Since that time it has become much larger, and attracts visitors from many parts of the world. In 2023,  it contains some ten thousand files and over six thousand pictures.
Some are not currently on display, and held in the archive; content is continuously reviewed, updated and enlarged.

This unique web museum is dedicated to the memory of our late Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away in 2022, shortly after celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of her reign.
The small rural parish of Winsham is located on the southern tip of Somerset, where it borders on Devon and Dorset and is home to about 750 people. It has its roots in Saxon times. The purpose of the web museum is to provide a digital archive of its history, record its present and to make this information easily accessible for the education and pleasure of all those who visit it, now and in the future.

To browse, scroll down, selecting the topic you wish to view by placing your mouse pointer over the picture,  and left click. To find a particular item, go to the Site Map icon below and  search.

Winsham Web Museum cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of information  provided by  contributors or opinions expressed by them. It is supported entirely by voluntary effort. It is not responsible for the content  of external websites with whom the site may have links .Where photographs have been submitted for inclusion in the Winsham Web Museum the copyright is assumed to belong to the person who submitted it, or that they have authority to do so from the copyright holder.

Editor-John Sullivan

Winsham and the Covid-19 Pandemic
A record of how the Winsham Community lived through a global problem
Click HERE

Winsham History viewfromchurch Winsham at Worship Winsham at
Winsham at War War Mem Farming in Winsham Winsham's
Historic Buildings
Leigh House Button
The Millennium Book Winsham at Play Winsham School
Jubilee Hall  JH Button


Recollections and and Times past.
Memories in Pictures
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Tributes  Tributes Button Researching your Family  The Parish Council 
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currently (April 2016)

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All  contributions of pictures, content, time and expenditure are donated.
This site is archived by The British Library.